In this document, you will find:
What is NaturaList?

NaturaList is an application for Android or IPhone smartphones developed by Biolovision in parallel with its naturalist data sharing portals such as Faune France or Orchisauvage.
It allows you to enter your orchid observations directly in the field, to add photos if you want to and to transmit them with geolocated information to the Orchisauvage website.
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Download and install NaturaList 
Make sure you download the NaturaList application, which is documented in the following paragraphs and not closely-named apps like iNaturalist, an international site for naturalist observations with no link with Biolovision or Orchisauvage.
To download NaturaList, simply go to your phone's download platform (Google Play ou App Store).
When you first launch the application after installation, you will be asked to identify yourself.
If you are already registered with Orchisauvage (or Faune France or one of its regional portals), you can use the same identifiers. Otherwise, you must create an account by following the on-screen instructions.
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Basic settings

When you login, you can access the Menu on the top left hand corner.
You don’t need to go through all the settings the first time you use the application but it is advisable to indicate at least:
- The reference lists of species for your prefered taxonomic groups: for orchids, select
- Input language: you can chose either scientific names or vernacular (French) names.
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Your first data entry in the field
To record an observation, launch the app and click on the + icon at the top right hand corner of your screen.

Your location is indicated on the map by an icon and a red marker.
Ideally, the phone's GPS will find your location quickly and the icon will become a yellow, smiling face.
Your location accuracy will also be displayed. If it seems insufficient to you, click on the icon representing a black circle at the bottom right of the screen, which should gradually update the location. You can also move the red marker if you want to position the observation on a specific place.
It is possible to modify the cartographic layer by clicking on the icon to the left of the map (the + and – signs allow you to zoom in and out when needed).
Your prefered cartographic layer can also be set as default in the Préférences menu.
The app also allows you to download maps in advance of future outings (this can be particularly useful if you plan to be in an area with a poor GPS signal).
Click Suivant (Next) to enter the name of the observed species.
You may enter the scientific name or the vernacular (French) name according to what you have set in the Préférences section. The quick entry mask will recognize the species you are entering and display it in the list so you can select it.
If you don't remember the exact name, just type a few letters (e.g. pyr for pyramidalis or lin for lingua) and the full name will be automatically displayed.
Notes on shortcuts (doesn't seem to work on IPhones):
The app allows you to create shortcut buttons (useful for species that you often type in). Long press on the name of the species for which you want a shortcut and it will be positioned at the top of your input screen.
Shortcuts can be categorized into different folders and of course deleted.

Once the List is started, entry is done as usual.
For each observation, you can if you wish:
- indicate the number of plants observed. To facilitate mapping work, it is advised to enter an approximate or minimum number rather than using the “not counted” button.
- note comments (about the site, the species, in the event of hybridization for example, etc.).
- add details on flowering stages (these are important to enable comparisons from one year to the next or from one region to another).
- send pictures.
- protect the data; it will then only be visible to you and the local cartographer. However, this should not be necessary as critical species are automatically protected and not visible.
Click Enregistrer (Save).
The data is then saved in your phone (you can find it in the mobile menu where you can still modify it) but note that it has not yet been sent.
Exit input mode and click on the orange banner at the bottom of the screen to synchronize your data with that on Orchisauvage. It is best to do this when you get home where you’ll have a Wi-Fi connection.

Once your observations have been synchronised, you can still modify them, adjust location, add photos or comments if you wish.
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Another input method with List mode
List mode is particularly suitable for large sites with numerous species enabling you to easily follow your observation itinerary and the species encountered.