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The role of cartographers

Cartographers and validators rôle


        The main tasks of cartographers, organized by departments, are to build and animate theirobserver networks and to build local (departmental) databases containing all the observational data (Orchisauvage and others ... for example, data from the old Atlas SFO 2010 and also data that FFO receives through exchange agreements with various agencies).

         These missions are part of the FFO's statutory objectives for native orchids to increase knowledge (e.g. biology, distribution, etc.) and to participate in their preservation and conservation of their biotopes.

         The data must be verified and validated so that the farms that are made of it (e.g. book publications or the Internet) are reliable and representative. This is why the vast majority of cartographers are also the reference validators of their department and constitute within the FFO a single community of "Cartographers-Validators".

         As such, cartographers-validators are the privileged contacts of Orchisauvage's contributors and are available to assist them in their surveys, in determining the plants they observe or for any other subject.

         The details of their missions are described on the FFO website under "Cartographie"

         To assist them in carrying out their missions, the FFO has set up an accreditation process that has been implemented by signing an agreement between the FFO and each cartographer-validator formalizing their role and describing their rights and duties.

         Thus, each cartographer has access to all the naturalistic data of his department (or his region for regional cartographers) entered on the Orchisauvage site or via the Naturalist application. These accesses (opening of export and validation rights) are managed by the group of administrators of the Orchisauvage site according to FFO guidelines. The list of cartographers-validators associated with the departments for which they are accredited is available on the website.


        Through accreditation, the FFO gives the cartographer-validator the right to use all naturalistic data from his department or region, as part of the FFO's statutory missions (knowledge, preservation/protection). It can use them especially for publications. In the case of the publication of individualized data, the observer will be quoted if he has not chosen anonymity.

        The cartographer-validator is committed to complying with the regulations regarding the use and storage of personal data (RGPD) which he is called upon to consult or manipulate and, like any registered on the site, he is committed to complying with the General Terms of Use ((CGU). It cannot use for commercial purposes the naturalistic data made available to it by the FFO on the Orchisauvage site.

                As the map below shows, some 20 departments are still without cartographers and applications from Orchisauvage's contributors to the Mapping Commission are welcome.



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