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Latest news
Monday, June 10th, 2024
Naturalist user guide
posted by Jacques Bry
Saturday, June 17th, 2023
You can now consult the species factsheets when you enter your observations.
posted by Jacques Bry
Wednesday, June 7th, 2023
Our wild orchid information pages are now available online!

You can now access more than 170 reference pages about wild orchids in the Fiches espèces section (French language menu).


At the moment, they are only available in French but we are hoping being able, next year, to offer English pages as well.

Follow the table of contents and discover:

- A small photo gallery

- Precise information about each species (size, colour, morphological characteristics, flowering dates, habitat)

- Links to all the hybrids that have been observed, with thumbnail photos of the two parent plants

In some factsheets you will also find:

- A comparative table showing distinctive characteristics between related taxa

- One or two additional photos or composite images comparing closely related taxa

- A list of related taxa with direct links to their own factsheets

All the botanical terms – around 120 key words - used in the descriptions are linked to an easily-accessible glossary explaining them, often with supporting images.

Some pages are still under construction and will be added progressively.

As our main objective is to help with the identification of the plants you observe, we are planning to implement a direct access to the species factsheets when you enter your observations. We will keep you updated with these developments.

The Orchisauvage team wishes you all the best for your botanical season in 2023.

posted by Jacques Bry
Thursday, March 16th, 2023
Minimum quotas removal
posted by Jacques Bry
Sunday, July 24th, 2022
The million of observation data
posted by Jacques Bry
Saturday, July 9th, 2022
Collaborate to the new Encyclopaedia