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Latest news
Monday, June 10th, 2024
Naturalist user guide
posted by Jacques Bry
Saturday, June 17th, 2023
You can now consult the species factsheets when you enter your observations.
posted by Jacques Bry
Wednesday, June 7th, 2023
Our wild orchid information pages are now available online!
posted by Jacques Bry
Thursday, March 16th, 2023
Minimum quotas removal
posted by Jacques Bry
Sunday, July 24th, 2022
The million of observation data

Orchisauvage has just passed the milestone of one million data!

The success hoped for when the site was first launched in 2014 has been achieved.

Behind this impressive amount of data, some 5 000 users - beginners or more experienced orchidophiles, alone in the field or with a group - have registered and share their observations on the site or with the NaturaList application.

More than 60 cartographers / validation experts, voluntarily examine the data, often on a daily basis, and validate them or dialogue with observers if necessary.

The objective of the site remains more than ever a better knowledge of orchids for everyone including the scientific community. Once validated, the data is used in studies, publications and naturalist inventories.

The new encyclopaedia to be published in early 2023 will contain species distribution maps produced using all the data gathered.

ORCHISAUVAGE: a tremendous collective momentum of which you are the source and for which we warmly thank you!

The site administrators on behalf of the FFO

posted by Jacques Bry
Saturday, July 9th, 2022
Collaborate to the new Encyclopaedia